

This page contains a list of books I have read. They aren’t listed in any particular order except roughly chronologically based on when I finished them. If a book left an exceptional impression (usually positive), I will mark its entry with a + and sometimes a link to a summary or review. If I didn’t finish a book the entry will be marked with DNF. I try to engage with a book for ~100 pages or half its length (whichever is shorter) before DNF-ing.

This page exists mainly so I can remember what I’ve read over time, and so friends can check if I’ve read something without spoiling the surprise of a book they want to gift me. But, maybe you’ll find a new book to read or see one you’ve read before and want to talk about. Or maybe it will remind you of a book you think I might like. In all of those cases I hope you’ll let me know!

Currently Reading


2023 and Earlier

Last updated